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About US

Location:HOME ENGLISH About US

  Changzhou Tcostar Tools Co., LTD is located at No.219 Huaxing Road, Jintan, Changzhou, China, covers an area of 15000㎡定欧,the building area is 21800 ㎡. We are specialized in OEM production of garden tools such as hand push mowers, power tools, and spare parts. All of our products are exported, such as Australia, Europe, North American, Southeast Asia and so on. The annual production is more than 350,000.
Our quality system Certificate:ISO9001(since May,2008) and BSCI(Business social compliance initiative).
Our company is equipped with excellent production facilities, efficient R&D capability, and advanced testing method. And we always provide high quality products and service to exceed customer expectation according to the following operating philosophy, Survive with high quality, Profits with management, development with good reputation.
Our service principle: 
     Integrity, High efficiency, Satisfaction, Mutual benefit 

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